RSACi Rated

Jenni A. M. Merrifield Presents:

The Original
Strawberry Facts Page

Established April 1994

"Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did."

William Butler (1535-1618)
Oxford dictionary of quotes

[ Mouse with Strawberry ]

Welcome to The Strawberry Facts Page, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know
about the delicious fruit called the Strawberry, and more!


[speaking]Strawberry Speaking
International Names for the Strawberry

[sustenance]Sweet Sustenance
Recipes, Restaurants, Nutrition and Other Strawberry Edibles

[harvests]Harvests & Horticulture
Information on the Growing, Tending and History of the Strawberry Plant.

[sketches]Strawberry Sketches
A Colourful Collection of Strawberry Images to Look At and Download.

[festivals]Fun & Festivals
Dates and Descriptions of Strawberry Festivities From Around The World.

[music notes]Entertainment & Leisure
Music, Movies, Literature and Other Leisurely Pursuits with a Strawberry Flavour.

[bits]Strawberry Bits & Bytes
Bits and Bytes -- Things on the Internet With a Strawberry Twist

[slices]Slices of Life
Facts and Trivia -- Interesting Slices of Life with Strawberry Style.

[fruits]Other Berries & Fruits
A Few Links Leading to useful Resources which contain information on Other Berries and Fruits

[strawberry]Awards & Recognition
A Listing of the Various Awards and Recognition This Site Has Received.

[strawberry] Site Revision History
Describes All Major Changes Made to This Site in Reverse Chronological Order.

[strawberry plant]Please Note:

Collecting Strawberry Facts is a light-hearted HOBBY of mine. As a result, I rarely know more about strawberries than is available on this site and while I do try to make this an interesting and useful Web Stop. I am still far from being any kind of expert on strawberries. If you send me questions, I will try to answer them, but I make no promises.

So, to reiterate in clearer terms:

If it ISN'T on these pages
I probably DON'T know it.

However, despite my amateur status in this field, this web site has been receiving rave reviews and much traffic. With this in mind, I do want to include as many useful links and other information as I can find. Please feel free to help me to make this an even better and more useful site by sharing any interesting or useful information that you know which is somehow related to the topic of Strawberries. There are many Netizens who would benefit from your knowledge if you choose to share it.

-- strawberryJAMM (

[strawberry plant]Also Note:

The Strawberry Facts Page is a NON-COMMERCIAL site. Any links and information provided here is done so based entirely on the fact that it has some small relevance to the topic of Strawberries or, occasionally, another berry or fruit. Obtaining a link here has been, is, and will remain, free to places that so qualify. Two-way links are appreciated but are by no means required.

Many of the items in these pages are ones that I have have found and researched on my own, but quite a number of thoughtful people have provided me with many more items than I could ever have located on my own. To all of these, and anyone else who adds their knowledge and wisdom to this site in the future, I send a hearty THANK YOU! For if it weren't for you, this site wouldn't be half of what it is today.

[ascii strawberry]

File History:

Date:           Comment:
Dec. 11, 1998   - Updates and general clean up
Sep. 24, 1997   - Removed outdated WebRing notices
                - Added PICS information to all pages
                - Updated URL-Minder Forms to recognize new attributes
                - Removed URL-Minder Forms from all but home page and text-home page
                - Added some recipes to the Vancouver Sun Recipe Page
                - Addition of two new images to "Sketches" pages
                - Added or updated several Festival names to Festival Page
Apr. 23, 1997   - Update to WebRing code due to new version of script
Apr. 20, 1997   - Added Link to SoftQuad HoT MetaL site: contest entry condition
Apr. 13, 1997   - Correction to Page Established Date -- should be 1994 not 1995!
Apr. 12, 1997   - Changed size of Strawberry Mouse Image on Graphical Main Page
Apr. 05, 1997   - Changed something on almost every page.  Check it out!
Feb. 26, 1997   - Added notice about WebRing being down
Feb. 23, 1997   - Created the "Strawberry WebRing"
Feb. 13, 1997   - Readjusted "speaking" table layout
Feb. 11, 1997   - Changed URLMinder form to use new version
                - Quote from "Drums of Autumn" in entertainment page
Feb. 09, 1997   - Corrected spelling to British/Canadian
                - Added WIDTH and HEIGHT tags to images
                - Added new Award Graphics
                - Changed file names for strawberry graphics
Nov. 15, 1996   - background, text colour changes on all pages
Nov. 08, 1996   - Minor fixes required to all pages after Site Move
Oct. 28, 1996   - More modifications for the '' move
                - Removed Questions page.
Oct. 19, 1996   - Modifications for the move to ''
Aug. 31, 1996   - Modified all pages to be used with HoT MetaL
                - Minor layout adjustments
                - Added new awards to main page
                - Added Index Lists at top of sub pages and to Main TOC
Jul. 03, 1996   - Added link to Vancouver Sun on "Sustenance" Page.
Jun. 26, 1996   - Removed Riddler Game Instructions from main page
Jun. 17, 1996   - Added Riddler Instructions to main page
                - Made new "Strawberry Speaking" page: languages
                - Added new items to "Awards & Recognition" section
Apr. 21, 1996   - Added link to text only version of site to all pages
                - Added new recipe to Favourite Recipe page
Apr. 20, 1996   - Added 'strawberry' in three more languages
                - Added several questions to questions page
                - Added some new festival information to festivals page
                - Added CA. Strawberry Commission to "harvests" page
                - Added nutrition, handling tips (NASGA) to sustenance
Mar. 31, 1996   - Question: Strawberry Allergies to "Questions" page
                - Added 'strawberry' in 25 more languages 
Mar. 30, 1996   - changed order of Morango/Mansikka to Mansikka/Morango
                - Added new languages to the keywords list
Mar. 29, 1996   - Added strawberry in Finnish and Croatian
                - Added Portuguese as language for "Morango"
Mar. 28, 1996   - Added <P> tags inside table cells for text browsers.
                - Added strawberry in Swedish and Danish
Mar. 26, 1996   - Added "keywords" and "description" META tags to site
Mar. 25, 1996   - Second Major Overhaul and Move of URL to
                - divided site up into individual pages as a means of 
                  speeding up file access time for some visitors.
                - Added many new strawberry links and information.
                - Changed page counter from in-line xbm format to text 
                  brought in via server side include.
                - Wrapped new counter with <URL-minder-ignore>.
Feb. 13, 1996   - Adjusted Quote to use <TT> instead of <PRE>
                - Fixed some minor bugs in file layout.
                - Added link in Index to this Revision History Section
                - Changed SRC value for Mouse GIF to point to a 
                  transparent version
Jan. 31, 1996   - Added Credit to Kristine Adam: Strawberry Plant Image
Jan. 29, 1996   - Removed RIDDLER Clue and Replaced it with RIDDLER's 
                  Choice Logo
Dec. 10, 1995   - Major Overhaul -- new sections, new info & new links!
Nov. 18, 1995   - Minor Fixes to correct an error that caused some 
                  browsers to see garbage instead of URL-Minder form.
Nov. 13, 1995   - Added Embedded form for URL-Minder email update 
                - Initial Creation of Revision History List