[bits] Strawberry Bits & Bytes

Things on the Internet With a Strawberry Twist


The links on this page are all to sites which just don't fit into any of the other categories, but have at least some connection to the topic of Strawberries (usually their name). I hope you have as much fun exploring these as I did finding them.
-- strawberryJAMM


strawberryJAMM Designs
This link goes to the home page of my Web Site and Software Design Consulting business. If you are a small to medium sized company, looking for an inexpensive web presence, you might be interested in visiting this site.

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Strawberry Pseudo-Science

Strawberry Pop Tart Blow Torches
And now for something completely different. Check out this site to discover what happens when the Exciting World of Scientific Discovery and Strawberry Pop Tarts Cross Paths.....
Continued Research in Strawberry Pop Tart Blow Torches
The Dedicated Pursuit of Scientific Knowledge Continues.....

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Strawberry Businesses

Strawberry EDV-Systeme GmbH
This page is in German, so it took me a while to discover what it actually was. According to someone who was kind enough to send me a note about it, this is actually a German Software Company. Why it's called "Strawberry", I don't know, but since it is, it qualifies for a link here!
Strawberry Tree Inc.
Yet another company with "Strawberry" in its name. This time it is a company that manufactures data acquisition hardware and software for Windows, DOS and Macs.
Strawberry Mansion Restaurant, Melbourne, FL.
The Strawberry Mansion is a restaurant that was built into an existing mansion which was built in 1900. I've never been there, since I've never been to Melbourne, FL. but the food sure sounds delicious!
Strawberry Press
Another company with a "Strawberry" name -- this one is a British book publisher.
Strawberry Patch Publishing
Another book publisher. This one specializes in innovative and amusing cookbooks and baby shower books.

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Strawberry Sensuality

Some of these sites are frank and quite frequently explicit. If you are easily offended by straight talk on sex, sexuality in general and other related topics I'd strongly suggest that you NOT visit these sites. Also, some of these sites may specify that you be of legal age to enter -- if you are under legal age in your area, be mature, respect the laws, and do not go there.
-- strawberryJAMM

Strawberry Tarte
Stop by here for some "Interactive Sex, Love and Relationship Advice"
By selecting these links you are stating that you are of legal age to view adult sexually oriented material

Exxxplicit Video Home Page
Among many other "Exxxplicit" items for sale, this site offers lotions and potions for those more intimate encounters:

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File History:

Date:           Comment:

Sep. 14, 1997   - Added PICS information

                - Removed URL-Minder Form

Apr. 05, 1997   - Addition of an Index for the page

Mar. 28, 1997   - Minor re-arrangment of items on this page

Feb. 11, 1997   - Changed URLMinder form to use new version

Feb. 09, 1997   - Corrected spelling to British/Canadian

                - Added WIDTH and HEIGHT tags to images

Nov. 15, 1996   - background colour change

Oct. 19, 1996   - Modifications for move to 'www.jamm.com'

Apr. 21, 1996   - Added Link to text only pages

Mar. 26, 1996   - Added "keywords" and "description" META tags

Mar. 24, 1996   Initial Creation for URL at vanbc.wimsey.com/~jam/