[strawberry] Awards & Recognition

Given to The Original Strawberry Facts Page

Since its creation The Original Strawberry Facts Page has been well received by several other web review sites. The table below contains a listing of those places that have acknowledged or otherwise noticed this flavourful rest stop on the information highway. You might consider checking out some of these links since these sites will frequently lead you on to a plethora of other interesting and useful sites:

Gold Site

Riddler's Choice
Gold Site

eyeSITE of the DAY

3-Star Site

Microsoft Network
Pick of the Day

Best of The Web

Mega Bites'
Top 10% Cooking Site

The Point! Survey
[Top 10 in '95]

Cornerstone Foundation
Excellence in Information

1996 Best Web Site

File History:

Date:           Comment:

Sep. 24, 1997   - Added PICS information

                - Removed URL-Minder Form

Apr. 05, 1997   - Addition of table to hold both index and email update box

                - Correction to some horticultural facts

                - Reorganization of some information on the page

                - Added Strawberry Cup Planter Info to Gardening Hints

Feb. 23, 1997   - Addition of links at Atlantic Food and Horticulture

Feb. 12, 1997   - Changed URLMinder form to use new version

                - Corrected spelling to British/Canadian

                - Added WIDTH and HEIGHT tags to images

Nov. 15, 1996   - background colour change

Oct. 19, 1996   - Modifications for move to 'www.jamm.com'

Apr. 20, 1996   - Added link to California Strawberry Commission

                - Added links to text-only version of site

Mar. 26, 1996   - Added "keywords" and "description" META tags

Mar. 24, 1996   Initial Creation for http://vanbc.wimsey.com/~jam/