Strawberry Slices of Life
Interesting Slices of Life with Strawberry Style.
This page is dedicated to facts and trivia with a strawberry flavour.
Some things involve the the fruit itself, others involve places and things that
use the strawberry name. -- strawberryJAMM
If you have any tid-bit of Strawberry trivia you'd like to share with the
rest of the Web, please feel free to email it to me at
- The World Capital of Strawberries
-- Wepion, Belgium
- From: D.J. Fouarge
I come from a little place called
Wepion (in Belgium). In Wepion, Farmers have made their speciality of growing
strawberries. I'll give the name of the plant they grow there when i have more
information about it. The strawberries taste wonderful and fresh. It is
actually said that Wepion is the world capital of strawberries. One typical way
to eat strawberries is just to spread some lemon juice on top of them as well as
a little bit of fresh moulded white pepper.
From: Kalpana Shankar
There also is a Strawberry
Museum in Wepion, Belgium
- The Winter Strawberry Capital of the World
-- Plant City, FL.
- From: Penny Panos-Klug
Hi. Love your page. I grew up
in Plant City, FL (ZIP 33566), which is "The Winter Strawberry Capital of
the World". Also located in Plant City is the Strawberry Lab, an
agricultural research facility which develops new types of our favorite fruit.
From: (no name given)
There also is a Florida
Strawberry Growers Association based in Plant City. Dr. Charles (Chip) Hinton
is the exec. (813)752-6822.
- Strawberry Research
- From: (no name given)
There is a strawberry research
centre in Dover, FL which is part of the University of Florida. Cultural
information is available through the Institute
of Food and Agricultural Sciences of the U of F. There is cultural
information there on other agricultural crops as well. The page is still
developing so more info will be forthcoming.
- Wimbledon Tennis Tournament
- Strawberries have traditionally been a staple of the tennis fan's diet
during the time period of the Wimbledon Tennis Matches. According to my English
Grandmother, the only reason is because Strawberries are in season at the same
time of year Wimbledon is held. [If you ask me, that's a good enough reason as
any for a strawberry tradition!--JAMM]
- Strawberry Wildlife
- Did you know that there is a variety of the Finch called the
Strawberry Finch?
Visit the above link to read reprints of articles about the Strawberry Finch.
- Strawberry Places
- In both my web and my real life explorations I have discovered a few
places with a "Strawberry" name:
- Strawberry Cities and Towns:
- Strawberry, AZ
- Strawberry, CA
- Strawberry
Crater Wilderness -- located in the Coconino National Forest in Arizona.
- The Virtual Strawberry
Beds -- A beautiful area west of Dublin, Ireland, largely unaffected by the
urban development that has surrounded it.
- Strawberry Mountain -- located in Malheur National Forest, Oregon
- Mansikkala, Finland -- "The Place Of The Strawberry" (literally
translated). According to my source, there are many huge strawberry farms there
and, in the midnight sun of the north, the berries would ripen virtually 24
hours a day.
- Strawberry Law
- From: Kevin McManaman
For your information, I
recently read a state supreme court opinion dealing with strawberries. Believe
it or not, the Nebraska Supreme Court very recently decided an opinion dealing
with the methods of sale for strawberries in stores. Apparently the Uniform
Weights and Measures Act adopted by many states says that one can sell small
berries, in this case strawberries, "by weight or by volume" and the
state inspectors decided in all their wisdom that a store cannot sell them both
by weight and by volume in the same store at the same time, although they could
sell by weight one day and the next day by the pint, half-pint, etc. The store
commissioned a survey and over 80% wanted them sold both ways and the rest
didn't care. Nevertheless, the state prohibited such a sale method because
it would confuse patrons as to which was the better deal. As a result, the
little old lady must by an entire half pint with the mouldy ones at the bottom
in order to have strawberries for her cereal. She cannot buy just two hand
picked strawberries. Or else she can only buy by the pound. It is up to the
store to decide the only way to sell 'em that day and she cannot choose. They
are prohibited from entering any other sold of a sale method than one of the two
mentioned above at a single time. The case name is Baker's vs. Dept. of
Agriculture, and is only 2 weeks old. [as of Jan. 4, 1996--JAMM]
File History:
Date: Comment:
Sep. 24, 1997 - Added PICS information
- Removed URL-Minder Form
Apr. 05, 1997 - Added an Index listing of the various bits of triva
- Addition of table to hold both index and email update box
Feb. 13, 1997 - Changed URLMinder form to use new version
- Corrected spelling to British/Canadian
- Added WIDTH and HEIGHT tags to images
Nov. 15, 1996 - background colour change
Oct. 28, 1996 - Modifications for move to ''
Apr. 21, 1996 - Added links to text-only version of site
Mar. 26, 1996 - Added "keywords" and "description" META tags
Mar. 24, 1996 Initial Creation for URL at